Paradise Regained Gardening Talks

Gardening Talks

My passion for gardens and gardening, together with a keen interest in photography has resulted in the following talks on a range of garden topics:

  • The Adventurous Gardener
  • Flowers and Gardens of Barbados
  • Gardening in Troughs and Sinks
  • The World of Climbing Plants
  • Patio Panache
  • Going Native (ornamental native plants)
  • Fantastic Foliage
  • Flowers and Gardens of the Canaries
  • Sheffield Botanic Gardens – 12 months of colour

My in-person talks are on Powerpoint, and I bring my own data-projector and laptop. But I ask that you provide a table, an extension lead (with 2 sockets) and a screen (or an expanse of plain white wall).

Good black-out of windows and sky-lights is essential if the lecture is to take place in daylight hours.

These talks are also available via Zoom.